"If you don't want to find me, don't look in the chicken coop." That's what I tell folks. I like it in there.

About six weeks ago, our new chickens started to arrive. They were two days old at time of arrival, and they came in three batches. We got every kind of laying hen and we'll have a lot of different kinds of eggs in every color you can imagine. Farm fresh eggs! Unfortunately, we have to wait months before they're laying, but it's going to be worth the wait! We have Barred Rocks, Aracaunas, Buff Orpingtons, and many many others. It's the Noah's Ark of Chickens. Essentially two of each.

We even got some Chinese Silkies just for fun.
We're using the old coop of the
farm which is set back in the northeast edge of the pasture, and it's built like Ft Knox. No predators will get in for sure, which is one of the big potential problems in keeping hens.

It's very fun to go the coop and watch them work-out the pecking order, scratch around, and fuss.
Soon they'll be able to get out into their yard, but for now they're still too small. We worry about the neighboring cats a bit. Stay tuned for more pictures (and eggs!!)
-- John
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